Forties AF

Season 2: Forties AF - Don't Settle

Episode Summary

Chanise gets her route back. Brianna sees a psychic and Hope can’t seem to shake Bruce the “Boob Man.”

Episode Notes

SEASON 2: EPISODE 11 (Don't Settle)  

Chanise gets her route back. Brianna sees a psychic and Hope can’t seem to shake Bruce the “Boob Man.”

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Episode Transcription

Episode Eleven: “Don't Settle”






FX:                                          CHANISE ENDS HER SHIFT. SHE’S DRIVING


CHANISE:                             (V.O.) I got my route back from Beverly. Of course, I had to bribe her ass. A little cash and few outfits and she finally caved in. I couldn’t do it any longer and money is always better than anyone’s word. (BEAT) After my fight with Lionel, I have decided that I’m going to choose me.He’s right, Legend is grown. He doesn’t need us to communicate anymore.


FX:                              HORNS HONKING


(BEAT) I know what I need to do right now though. I’ve been binging on Mrs. Darnell’s oxtails plates and if someone else calls me thick, I’m going to let them have it. 


FX:                              TURNS CAR OFF AND OPENS FRONT DOOR


(BEAT) So, I dusted off my gym shoes and pulled up to the gym.   







FX:                              HOPE SITS AND MEDITATES.


HOPE:                        (V.O.) Today, hasn’t been the best day for me to meditate. I can’t seem to get a grip. I think Bruce is stalking me. I went to Simply Wholesome’s to grab a few smoothies and out of nowhere there he was. 






FX:                                          HOPE IS WALKING OUT OF THE STORE AND HEARS 


BRUCE:                                 Hope, baby is that you?


FX:                                          HOPE WALKS BRISKLY AND BRUCE COMES UP FROM BEHIND HER 


BRUCE:                                 Hope, it’s me. 


HOPE:                                    (SIGHS and stops) Hi Bruce.  Where are coming from?


BRUCE:                                 Baby, let me get those bags for you. 


HOPE:                                    Really. I have it.


BRUCE:                                 I insist. 


FX:                                          HOPE HANDS BRUCE THE BAGS 


BRUCE:                                 I didn’t know you were so healthy Hope. I love that about you. 


HOPE:                                    I’m not. Just trying to do a little cleanse. My life coach…


BRUCE:                                 You have a life coach?


HOPE:                                    Well, ummm


FX:                                          HOPE’S FRIEND OLIVIA PULLS UP


OLIVIA:                                  Hope! Hey Hope. (BEAT) Is that you?


HOPE:                                    No. He’s just helping me.


BRUCE:                                 Baby, front or back.


FX:                                          HOPE OPENS THE DOOR REMOTELY


HOPE:                                    Just drop them anywhere. 


OLIVIA:                                  Didn’t he call you baby?


HOPE:                                    He’s being weird. 


BRUCE:                                 Hope, will I see you later? 


HOPE:                                    Thanks so much for helping me sir.


OLIVIA:                                  How’s the writing going? 


HOPE:                                    I’m killing it. 


OLIVIA:                                  Great. I was thinking we should have lunch and catch up. 


HOPE:                                    Yes, I bring something for you to check out. 


OLIVIA:                                  Perfect. I’ll call you and we can figure it out. (BEAT) Hope you really should give the guy a chance. I mean, you aren’t exactly a spring chicken. 


FX:                                          OLIVIA drives off laughing.






FX:                              HOPE SITS AND MEDITATES. THE DOORBELL RINGS. 


HOPE:                                    Hmmmmm


FX:                              HOPE STRUGGLES TO GET UP. 


DELIVERY GUY:                 Delivery for Hope Jones. 


HOPE:                                    Roses?


FX:                              DELIVERY GUY HANDS HER THE ROSES. 


HOPE:                                    Thank you. (pulls the card) (VO) The last time I received flowers was from my mom. Pretty sad. 


FX:                                          GETS THE CARD.


HOPE:                                    Roses are red. Violets are blue. How did I get so lucky with you? Love Bruce. (BEAT) It’s always the one you don’t want.











SARA:                        Getting that snatch back, I see. 


FX:                              CHANISE SLOWS DOWN 


CHANISE:                 (V.O.) I look back and its Snow White. Mikal’s assistant. 


CHANISE:                 Hey girl, what are you doing here?


SARA:                        I should be asking you that. I’m always here. 


CHANISE:                 I guess you got me there. (BEAT) I’m trying to be more active. My metabolism isn’t getting any younger. As you can tell by these hips of mine. 


FX:                              THEY BOTH LAUGH 


SARA:                        Do you still work for the post office? I never see you anymore. 


FX:                              CHANISE STARTS TO RUN SLOWER 


CHANISE:                 I’ve been helping in other areas at work.


SARA:                        Well if you aren’t too busy you should stop by the house on Friday. We’re having a small reception. Nothing crazy. 


CHANISE:                 Oh really? 


SARA:                        You should come. Mikal would love to see you. (BEAT) He talks about you from time to time. 


CHANISE:                 He does? 


SARA:                        Yeah. (BEAT) Have a great workout. I hope to see you then.


FX:                              CHANISE STARTS TO RUN SLOWER 


CHANISE:                 (V.O.) Maybe, I will stop by and get my mind off Lionel’s ass. 


FX:                              CHANISE RUNS FASTER 


CHANSIE:                 Let me get this workout in. I need to be on point when I see Mikal. 


FX:                              CHANISE SLOWS DOWN 


CHANISE”                Who am I kidding. I’m going to pick up a 3-day cleanse and run to Macy’s for a new Spanx. 













BRIANNA:                 (V.O.)  I have been feeling uneasy the past few days about making this decision to have a baby. I’m not scared, but I’m not certain. I mean, what if I’m not supposed to be a mom. Am I forcing the issue? 


Usually, I have my girls to talk to, but, with all the animosity between Hope and I, it’s just not the right time. So, I decided to go talk to a psychic.  I just want to make sure I’m making the best choice for me. 


FX:                                          BRIANNA ENTERS THE DOOR AND IT DINGS


PYSCHIC:                 Hello my love. (BEAT) Sit.


BRIANNA:                 I’m Brianna.


BRIANNA:                 (V.O.) Look before you give me the side-eye, I believe that everyone has gifts in some capacity. Take our womanly instincts for example, they are real. How many times have you followed your instincts and discovered just what you thought? And how many times have you NOT followed your instincts and everything you predicted happens. See what I mean?



FX:                                          BRIANNA SITS


PSYCHIC:                             How may I serve you today?


BRIANNA:                             Well, I …


PSYCHIC:                             I see that you are a person who places great value on being liked and admired. At times, you can be prone to doubting whether you've made the right decisions in your life. 


BRIANNA:                             That’s exactly why I’m here. 


PSYCHIC:                             Aww, yes. You can be excessively critical of yourself. Stop that. It’s not going to help you, where you’re going?


BRIANNA:                             Where am I going? 


PSYCHIC:                             Higher. Your life will transform.     


BRIANNA:                             Next level? 


PSYCHIC:                             Yes. I see you are stuck a little. You have two girlfri…


BRIANNA:                             I’m going to have twins? 


PSYCHIC:                             Yes!  Yes! I see twins. I knew it. I’m seeing the father’s name starts with the letter C. No. the letter K. B? 


BRIANNA:                             No father yet. 


PSYCHIC:                             When I get these impressions from the spirit world, sometimes mistakes like that can happen. Now I'm sensing that this person was either your father, or knew your father, or was maybe on his side of the family. I may need your help here. 


BRIANNA:                             No really. There’s no father yet. 


PSYCHIC:                             What is your biggest fear? 


BRIANNA:                             That’ll I’ll be just like my mother. 


PSYCHIC:                             I see that you are surrounded by transgression spirits into motherhood. I can say a tantric prayer for you and provide you with protective crystals and a self-help guide for $1400. 











HOPE:                                    Hey mom. 


MRS. KAT:                            Hey baby. How are you?


HOPE:                                    I’m doing okay. 


MRS.KAT:                             You’ll never guess what I got in the mail today.


HOPE:                                    What?


MRS.KAT:                             I said guess. 


HOPE:                                    Coupons from JC Penny’s.


MRS.KAT:                             An invitation to Tre’s wedding.


HOPE:                                    I don’t want to know. 


MRS. KAT:                            Looks fancy.


HOPE:                                    Yeah, I guess her parents are going all out. 


MRS. KAT:                            Should I RSVP?


HOPE:                                    Mom!


MRS. KAT:                            I would object. I would stand and shout it out. 


HOPE:                                    That won’t be necessary.


MRS. KAT:                            I’m just kidding. (BEAT) Have you spoken to Faith lately?


HOPE:                                    Depends on what you mean by lately?


MRS. KAT:                            She is your sister. I sense there may be something wrong and she’s not telling me. Maybe she will tell you. 


HOPE:                                    I really don’t want to know. I have my own stuff to deal with. 


MRS.KAT:                             Oh, Hope. Reach out to her. 


HOPE:                                    (Reluctantly) I will.


MRS. KAT:                            I won’t be here forever. You two need to communicate more. 


HOPE:                                    I said yes. 











SALON:                                 Regal Diana Salon


BRIANNA:                             (V.O.) I needed to take a break from my managing life today, so, I got back in the chair. Doing here is my first love. It relaxes me. So, I decided to take a few appointments. Plus, it’s a great way to catch up on all the gossip. 



FX:                                          BRIANNA DOING HAIR


CUSTOMER:                        I say you go for it. You only live once. You remember Carolyn? She tried for years to have her own kid naturally, but it never worked out. I mean, she found out in the process that she had some other issues, but it’s becoming more common in women 35 and up.


BRIANNA:                             I didn’t know Carolyn even wanted kids? 


CUSTOMER:                        Come on, you know we don’t talk about those types of things.


BRIANNA:                             True.


CUSTOMER:                        I read in Essence that Michelle Obama had her daughters with IVF. The article also talked about how black women are twice as likely than others to have fertility issues, but rarely ever receive or ask about infertility treatment. 


BRIANNA:                             Probably from being embarrassed and it can be expensive.


CUSTOMER:                        It’s becoming less taboo. So, it’s the perfect time for you. 


BRIANNA:                             And I don’t have a lot of that. My doctor’s favourite line is ‘black, may not crack, but those eggs do.’ 


CUSTOMER:                        Damn, that’s rude.


BRIANNA:                             It’s a reality. If I knew then, what I know now, I would have frozen my eggs. 


CUSTOMER:                        I’ll give you some of mines. Trust me, I won’t miss them. 


BRIANNA:                             One of the things that I think of often is what I will say when the time comes and my child ask me who their father is?


CUSTOMER:                        Tell that baby God! 


BRIANNA:                             Amen! Hallelujah.











FX:                                          HOPE VISIT CHANISE


CHANISE:                             Sara caught me off guard when she said Mikal has been thinking about me. Honestly, I always had my suspicions about those two.


HOPE:                                    Men, always miss what they haven’t conquered. (BEAT) So, are you going?


CHANISE:                             I thinking about it. (BEAT)  Come check out my outfit. 


HOPE:                                    That’s more than thinking about it.


FX:                                          THE WALK TO CHANISE ROOM


HOPE:                                    Did I tell you, I’m beginning to second guess this life coach thing. 


FX:                                          CHANISE RUMBLES AROUND



CHANISE:                             No.  Why? 


HOPE:                                    All I keep hearing is I have to do the work. So, what does she have to do? 


CHANISE:                             What did you think you were going to get? She’s a life coach Hope, not a magician. 


HOPE:                                    Last week she spent a couple of hours over my house creating vision boards and spouting off affirmations and then she left telling me with the homework of redefining myself. Then sent me an additional invoice for an extra two hours for $300. Do you know what I could do with $300. 


CHANISE:                             Yes, give it to me. (BEAT) What you think? Cute? 


FX:                                          CHANISE RUMBLES AROUND


HOPE:                                    Very. Shoes? (BEAT) When I really think about this clearly I’m paying for a friend. Someone to hold me accountable on my stuff. Someone to cheerlead me on when I’m down. Someone to correct me and help me to get centered. 


CHANISE:                             Hope, no one can give you the perfect life. Girl, I’m proud of you. You took the steps you needed to go after what you want. You don’t give yourself credit, you fucking quit your job to pursue a writing career and you’re doing it. I would have never had the balls to do that. How long have I been saying I want to go back to school?


HOPE:                                    A long time. 


CHANISE:                             Exactly, and it seems as if Valerie has instilled some urgency in you. You’re more focused and I feel like she has helped you get aligned in some ways.


HOPE:                                    I’ll give it more time then. 


CHANISE:                             Shit, I ‘m thinking I may need to get a life coach. I promised myself to not think about that asshole Lionel at all, but, I was thinking the other day about him flossing. A new car? New crib? I mean, did he have some money stashed away from that bank robbery, that I didn’t know about. Where the hell is he getting all this money?


HOPE:                                    He wouldn’t do that to you. Lionel knows how much you sacrificed for him. I know he wouldn’t dismiss you that way. 


CHANISE:                             Would he? Cause, he sure was doing some dismissing when I saw him a few nights ago. He was really feeling himself. I wouldn’t put it past him. 


I shit off a bunch of money holding his black ass down. 


                                               I put in at least 15,000 on his books over the years and I’m sure half of that in collect calls. If he has a stash, I need to know about it. 


HOPE:                                    Well, how are you going to find out?


CHANISE:                             Follow the rainbow, I guess. 



ANNOUNCER:                     Previously on Forties AF.