Forties AF

Season 2 : Forties AF - Issues

Episode Summary

Hope decides to drive Uber for a little inspiration. Legend surprises Chanise when he visits and brings a special guest along. Brianna faces some challenges on her IVF journey.

Episode Notes

SEASON 2: EPISODE 13 (Issues)  

Hope decides to drive Uber for a little inspiration. Legend surprises Chanise when he visits and brings a special guest along. Brianna faces some challenges on her IVF journey. 

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Episode Transcription

Episode Thirteen:  “Issues”






FX:                                          SOUNDS OF PEOPLE ENTERING AND CHECKING IN


THE TEACHER:                   5 minutes and we will get started. 



FX:                                          SITTING DOWN IN CHAIRS



CHANISE:                             (V.O.) How did I get here?  (THINKS ABOUT IT) Okay, Lionel, can you blame me? (BEAT) Then there’s Mikal’s car, but he deserved it. (THINKS ABOUT IT MORE) And the girl at the Chicken Shack. (SIGHS) I know what you’re thinking, it’s because of my childhood trauma.But it’s not, I’m over it. I swear. 



FX:                                          SOMEONE HITS A TAMBOURINE 


TEACHER:                            Alright. Alright, listen up. Do you know why you’re here?


CHANISE:                             (V.O.) Because people always playing games. 


TEACHER:                            Today is a new day and the way to a better you. (BEAT) I am here to teach you how to control your anger and respond in healthier ways. I used to be one angry motherfucker! I sat in the very seat you are sitting in right now many years ago. I assure you that this will be a safe place. (beat) So, who’s ready to check in? 


RUTH:                                    I will. Hey everyone I’m Ruth and I’m a angry motherfucker!!! 


EVERYONE:                         Hi Ruth. 


DEBRA:                                 (RUSSIAN ACCENT) Hey everyone I’m Debra and I’m one angry mother fucker!!! 


EVERYONE:                         Hi Debra. 


DEBRA:                                 (RUSSIAN ACCENT) I want to share, because, the rage that rose from the pit of my stomach that night. I couldn’t’ stop it. Before I knew it, I pulled the gun out and shoved it into his mouth and dared him to move. 


CHANISE:                             What the fuck?


TEACHER:                            Let’s keeping moving. Next.


CHANISE:                             Hey everyone I’m Chanise and I’m one angry mother fucker!!! 


EVERYONE:                         Hi Chanise. 


CHANISE:                             I guess, my anger has been coming to the surface more and more the older I get. It’s the lies and disrespect for me. I just see red. 


MIKEY:                                  Hey everyone I’m Mikey and I’m one angry mother fucker!!!  I feel like my family don’t appreciate me. I’m next in line to take over the family business. My mother always says stuff like, how will you handle this Mikey when your father’s gone? What if we’re not here Mikey? All I said is, I would do what you taught me, so, teach me before I kill the both of you. (BEAT) I would never do anything to hurt them. 


CHANISE:                             (V.O.) We’re less than an hour in and I realize I’m sitting in a semi-circle with some crazy fucks. I may get pissed or upset from time to time, but, these mofos, - they angry. 








FX:                                          HOPE THROWS MACHETE AT A TARGET


HOPE:                                    Bullz eye! 


CHANISE:                             You missed! Girl, get your blind ass out of here. It’s my turn. 


From now on, if you miss you have to take a shot. 


BRIANNA:                             Machetes and alcohol?  Whose bright idea was this?


HOPE:                                    Mine. I bet you won’t piss anyone off in here. 


BRIANNA:                             Especially the chick that just got out of anger management?


FX:                                          THEY LAUGH


CHANISE:                             Very funny. 


FX:                                          CHANISE THROWS HER MACHETE


HOPE:                                    Missed!


BRIANNA:                             So, how was the anger management class?


FX:                                          BRI POURS CHANISE A DRINK. 


CHANISE:                             You know how when you have a scratch in the middle of your back and no matter which way you turn you can’t hit that shit? 


BRIANNA:                             Yeah. 


CHANISE:                             Like that. 


HOPE:                                    So, you suffered. 


CHANISE:                             If those people are a reflection of me. I will be the first to admit, I’ve got some work to do.


FX:                                          HOPE THROWS HER MACHETE


CHANISE:                             I saw that Hope, drink up. 


FX:                                          BRIANNA POURS AND DRINKS


BRIANNA:                             So did learn anything?


CHANISE:                             Hell yeah. To leave before the police come. 


HOPE:                                    Girl,


CHANISE:                             No, it did make me wonder though, if I’ll end up like my mom. I mean what if her issue is hereditary. That was me, I blacked out and woke up in a squad car.


BRIANNA:                             Chanise you don’t have a mental problem. 


CHANISE:                             After the stories I heard this week. There’s definitely a thin line between sane and insane. So, I have to be really careful not to cross it. 


HOPE:                                    That can happen to anyone. Sometimes you just get fed up. That’s exactly why I had to get rid of my life coach. I mean, she was controlling my thoughts, my actions, my everything. But, in actuality when it all boils down to it, I have control of what I’m doing. I got myself this far, right? I mean, who isn’t going to make a few mistakes. 


CHANISE:                             A few?



FX:                                          CHANISE THROWS MACHETE.  SHE MISSES 


HOPE:                                  You missed! That’s what you get. Drink up!


BRIANNA:                             Well, I have some good news. (BEAT) I’m going to be a mom. 


FX:                                          THEY GASP


CHANISE:                             You’re pregnant?


BRIANNA:                             (INTERRUPTING) I’m not pregnant yet, but I’m on track to become pregnant. I’ve decided I’m going to do invitro fertilization and see what happens. I still need to find a sperm donor. 


CHANISE:                             That’ shouldn’t be hard to find. 


BRIANNA:                             Trust me, it’s much harder than YOU think. Much harder than I thought. Last week, I connected with a few exes, but they all turned me down. 


HOPE:                                    They think their sperm is worth way more than it is. 


CHANISE:                             They all gonna want to smash.


BRIANNA:                             Took the words right out of my mouth. None of them could even fathom the idea of getting me pregnant without sex. You should have heard some of their responses. No consideration for my feelings at all.


HOPE:                                    Men are clueless about that kind of stuff. 


CHANISE:                             Just tell them they can look at porn and jack off. That might change their energy a little bit. 


HOPE:                                    I hope it’s a boy.


CHANISE:                             No, we need some girls in this family. (BEAT) Hope when are you going to have a baby? 


HOPE:                                    When I can afford one. 


BRIANNA:                             Hope you really should think about freezing your eggs. 


HOPE:                                    Maybe. (BEAT) You’re going to be one hell of a mom.


BRIANNA:                             Awww, you think so. 


CHANISE:                             Yes, girl. Cause you always working my nerves, like you somebody damn momma. 


FX:                                          THEY LAUGH


BRIANNA:                             That’s not funny. 










CHANISE:                             (V.O.) Wow, my Friday night. What happened to getting it pooping after Legend is grown. I’ve been saying that for years. Now the time has come and this is as popping as it gets. A bubble bath and candles. 





CHANISE:                             Who is it?


LEGEND:                              It’s me momma.


FX:                                          CHANISE OPENS THE DOOR


CHANISE:                             Legend! Baby... What are you doing here? Why didn’t you use your key?


LEGEND:                              I left it in the dorm. 


CHANISE:                             Look at me. Why you didn’t tell me you were coming.


LEGEND:                              Cause then it wouldn’t have been a surprise. 


FX:                                          LEGEND AND CHANISE HUG


CHANISE:                             It’s so good to see you.  (BEAT) Get in here. 


LEGEND:                              Hold up Mom. I have someone I want you to meet. 


CHANISE:                             (SUSPICIOUS) Who is it?


LEGEND:                              Judy. Come on. 


CHANISE:                             (V.O.) Judy? Hell no, who is this skinny blonde broad climbing out of my baby’s mustang? (BEAT) This what he doing? 


LEGEND:                              Mom, this is my girlfriend, Judy. Judy this is my mom. 


JUDY:                                    Momma C. You’re all Legend talks about. 


CHANISE:                             You can call me Chanise. (UNIMPRESSED) Nice to meet you. 






FX:                                          CLOSE THE DOOR



CHANISE:                             You can’t stay in the same room. 


LEGEND:                              I know that momma. 


JUDY:                                    It’s so cute when you say  Big Momma. 


CHANISE:                             He said momma. Just momma.


JUDY:                                    Give me some kisses my living legend. 


FX:                                          JUDY TONGUES HIM DOWN AS CHANISE LOOKS ON


CHANISE:                             Alright, I’m standing here. (BEAT) Legend take the girls bag to her room. Let me get to know Judy a little. 


LEGEND:                              I’ll be right back.


FX:                                          THEY KISS


JUDY:                                    I’ll be right here. 


CHANISE:                             Boy! If you don’t,…. (BEAT) So, how did you two meet?


JUDY:                                    I saw his black beautiful skin glistening in the sunlight as he ran across the field. It was totally love at first sight. 


CHANISE:                             Cute. Where are you from?


JUDY:                                    Lynchburg, VA. Lived there my whole life. We have many generations of the Connors in the city. We practically own it. 


CHANISE:                             Oh. Okay. So, what are you studying? 


JUDY:                                    I major in African American History and I minor in genealogy. 

FX:                                                      LEGEND ENTERS


LEGEND:                              Judy, gave me one of those tests so I can trace my African roots. I can’t wait to share it with you mom. 


JUDY:                                    I can send you one too, if you’d like.


CHANISE:                             Okay. (BEAT) You hungry? 


LEGEND:                              Oh, yes. 


JUDY:                                    Me too. Legend said you make some mean greens. Do you have any fried chicken or mac and cheese? I love ya’ll mac and cheese. 


CHANISE:                             Ya’ll. Whose ya’ll?


LEGEND:                              (Nervous) Mom it’s a compliment. 


FX:                                          CHANISE SIGHS.


CHANISE:                            (UNENTHUSED) I’m done.








FX:                                          HOPE IS DRIVING UBER 


HOPE:            (V.O.) Money has been a little tight, so, I decided it would be fun to drive uber, not to mention all the people I can meet. Right now, I’m driving Harry. He’s from the East Coast and at the sounds of it, he’s here to work with a film studio. I was ear hustling while he was on the phone earlier.


HOPE:                        So, you’re with a studio? 


HARRY:                     Sony. They are putting me up for the film. It’s my first million dollar budget. Awww this is the life. (BEAT) The moment I’ve been waiting on my entire life. 


HOPE:                        (V.O. – TRYING TO CONVINCE HERSELF) Say it Hope. Tell him. No, he’s going to think I’m loser. Look at me driving Uber. Just tell him. 


HOPE:                        You’re not going to believe me, but I quit my job to write full time. 


HARRY :                    We must have been destined to meet. I would love to read something of yours. 


HOPE:                        Really? I just finished writing a script. 


HARRY:                     What’s it about? 


HOPE:                        It’s a faith based rom com about a gold digger who goes to a mega-church looking for her next trick. 


HARRY:                     Faith based hmmmm. It’s a booming genre. 




HARRY:                     You can let me out right here.  (BEAT) Here’s my business card. Send it to me. 


HOPE:                        This is awesome! Thanks so much! 





HOPE:                        (V.O.) God is he the answer to my prayers? You know the desires of my heart and I feel like they are being fulfilled. I wasn’t even supposed to be driving uber. I had another opportunity I passed by to serve others and look what you’ve blessed me with. A big studio producer wants to read MY work. (BEAT)I can’t wait to tell my mom. 








FX:                                          DIANA WALKS IN AND HEARS SNIFFLING. SHE TURNS THE LIGHT ON.


DIANA:                                   What’s going on Brianna?  Why are you sitting in the dark?


BRIANNA:                                         (V.O.) I haven’t seen my mom for a few days. I visited my dad about a week ago and learned that he fell off the wagon. The books are coming back short and one of our vendors is running slow on supplies. Things have been hectic, but nothing more hectic than the task of going through this IVF procedure alone. 


BRIANNA:                                         They found a cyst on my cervix and now I need to have surgery to remove it. They said it could be an obstruction when the time comes. 


DIANA:                                               Why didn’t you call me? I could have gone to your appointments with you.  You always act so private; feel like I’m bothering you. 


BRIANNA:                                         I didn’t think you would want to go.


DIANA:                                               Bri, give me a chance. Just give me a chance to be there. Okay? 


BRIANNA:                                         Okay.





BRIANNA:                                         I never thought I would take a journey into motherhood on my own. I’m supposed to have a husband. I want a father for my child. I’m having a baby now and all my friend kids are off to college. It’s so backwards. 


DIANA:                                               Backwards?  Who says? You’re not and have never been anything like your friends. Honey, you have your own journey and like it or not you couldn’t have had it any other way. 


BRIANNA:                                         Then why do I feel like I dropped the ball? 


DIANA:                                               You probably weren’t even thinking about any ball in your earlier years. Well, maybe other balls but, you were having fun. Pursuing your career and traveling the world. Do you really think you could have stayed in Japan working at that hair school as long as you did with children. Brianna, you have lived a full life and now it’s time for a new chapter. 


BRIANNA:                                         I feel like I’m running out of time. 


DIANA:                                               Come with me , I have something to show you. 




DIANA:                                   Ta da! 


BRIANNA:                             You changed our lash room into a nursery?


DIANA:                                   I know, I know. I can’t change things without consulting you, but, can I get a pass on this one? Isn’t this the cutest nursery you have ever seen. 


BRIANNA:                             It is really cute. I love it. 


DIANA:                                   Then why don’t you have your love it face on?


BRIANNA:                             I don’t want you to be disappointed. 


DIANA:                                   Come here. 




DIANA:                                               Let’s stay optimistic but realistic at the same time. 


BRIANNA:                                         Thank you for everything. Diana, please don’t get your hopes up. Let’s see what happens.


DIANA:                                               Uhh. Too late. So, when you go home do yourself a favour. Don’t turn the lights on. 


BRIANNA:                                         Diana! Oh no. What did you do?










FX:                                          HOPE IS HAVING SEX. SHE HAS AN ORGASM


TRE:                                       That’s what I miss the most. 


HOPE:                                     What? My loud obnoxious orgasm?


TRE:                                       Pleasing you. 


HOPE:                                    Umm, I miss that too. 


HOPE:                                    My mom got your invite by accident. She said they were nice. 


TRE:                                       Her dad insist on taking care of everything. 


HOPE:                                    How are you? 


TRE:                                       It’s been rough. Marriage comes with a lot of variables. A lot of attachments. 


HOPE:                                    Yeah, that’s what it’s all about. Commitment. You know that word that you hate. 


TRE:                                       I know about that word. I know how to be committed. 


HOPE:                                    Then what are we doing? You shouldn’t be here. 


TRE:                                       I told you, I wanted to see you. I thought we should say goodbye. 


HOPE:                                    We said our goodbyes last time. I’m not trying to be your mistress. 


TRE:                                       I’m not trying to make you my mistress. 


HOPE:                                    Well, what is it Tre. I mean, if you love her then just be with her. Treat her right.


TRE:                                       You’re right. 




TRE:                                       I shouldn’t have called. 


HOPE:                                    I wanted to see you too. (BEAT) Tre, what it is? We built history here and with all we been through it’s never been enough. And within a few months you see spending your life with this girl. Your forever? What is it about her?


TRE:                                       I don’t have to apologize for being me. 











FX:                                          CHANISE, BRIANNA AND HOPE FACETIME


HOPE:                                    Can you believe he said that! I mean Tre should apologize for ever being born. Cheating, fake-ass, commitment-phobe, cheap, opportunist, overly-opinionated narcissist! That’s who he is. 


CHANISE:                             Hope you need to stop fucking him. He aint’ shit. You ain’t either. Laying down with him a week before his wedding day. 


HOPE:                                    I’m the single one. Besides, he was mine first. 


BRIANNA:                             Spoken like a true hoe. 


CHANISE:                             Okay, okay. Let’s play fair.  At least one of us is getting some. Well three, I had to practically peel Legend off of her. I mean, damn. These kids don’t have no damn shame. I really tried to get to know her, but, I feel like Legend’s head is all in the clouds. 


HOPE:                                    You know how that new love is. 


BRIANNA:                             Nothing like it. 


CHANISE:                             He only been there one semester. He got to bring home snow white. 


BRIANNA:                             Now, Chanise, 


HOPE:                                    Girl they move fast. Especially when they’re athletes. 


CHANISE:                             He told me her dad let him drive his Ferrari.


BRIANNA:                             Honey, they are bred for these moments. 


CHANISE:                             Last night, I overheard her telling him how amazing of a man he was like 1000 times while he laid across her lap. 


HOPE:                                    That’s the Charlotte’s Web technique. That’s how my sister’s husband reeled her in. Although, he’s still seems really nice. 


CHANISE:                             Yawl think she’s pregnant. 


HOPE:                                    Legend would have told you that by now. 


BRIANNA:                             Was she acting sick or anything like that.


CHANISE:                             No.


HOPE:                                    Did she drink any alcohol? 


CHANISE:                             I tried to offer her some wine, but she said she doesn’t drink. 


HOPE:                                    Who didn’t drink in their 20s? 


BRIANNA:                             I didn’t. I was a late bloomer. 


CHANISE:                             But, baby when you bloomed. 


BRIANNA:                             Shut up Chanise, cause remember that time we went to the Magic Johnson Party. 


HOPE:                                    (LAUGHS) Of course she don’t remember that. She was out of there .


BRIANNA:                             Chanise you were laid out!


CHANISE:                             Yeah and ya’ll let Roger take me home. 


HOPE:                                    Correction, you wouldn’t leave with us. You kept saying I was leaving with him. 


CHANISE:                             Correction bitch you just said I was laid out. Why would you let me go with him. 


BRIANNA:                             You carried a blade religiously back then. Nobody was trying to get cut. 




ANNOUNCER:                                 Previously on Forties AF. 






