Forties AF

Season 1: Forties AF - Mind Ya Bizness

Episode Summary

Chanise meets someone new. Brianna tells the girls about her secret younger love Jamie and ponders entrepreneurship. Hope discovers that her mother is dealing with depression and regrets her one-night stand.

Episode Notes

SEASON 1: EPISODE 3  (Mind Ya Bizness)

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Episode Transcription

Episode Three: “MIND YA BUSINESS”






FX:                                          CHANISE PULLS UP IN THE DRIVEWAY AND TURNS THE ENGINE OFF. 


CHANISE:                             (V.O.)It’s been weeks and Lionel is still here. The other night he had the nerve to ask me what’s for dinner? Then this morning I asked him to pick his clothes off the floor and he acted like I was disrespecting him or something. (laughs) I know I dipped into the pot, but, I thought it was going to be more like a one or two night stand. He’s going to be off his monitor soon, but, I don’t know if I can wait until then. I don’t want to hurt him, but, I don’t want to be his crutch either. I’ve been avoiding this, but, I know it’s time for the talk. 




CHANISE:                  Dang it’s all clean in here. (BEAT) Oh shoot, he’s playing our song. (SNIFF) But, something smells goooood.


FX:                                          POTS AND PANS CLINK IN THE KITCHEN 


CHANISE:                  You’re in here burning. 


LIONEL:                     Just whipping up my famous meatballs. 


CHANISE:                  The last time you made this for me you had to turn yourself in. Is there something you want to tell me. 


LIONEL:                     I can’t make a meal for my lady after a hard day’s work? (BEAT) Come on. (BEAT) Sit down and eat, babe.




CHANISE:                  What? Why are you staring at me?



FX:                                          LIONEL PUSHES THE CHAIR BACK 


LIONEL:                     I found the ring I bought you sitting in the jewelry box. I want you to put it back on. (BEAT) Will you marry me?


CHANISE:                  Lionel. Nooooo. I can’t do this right now. 


LIONEL:                     You’re the one who decided not to come see ME. 


CHANISE:                  I had to save myself! I had to save our child. Legend was devastated. 


LIONEL:                     I had no one. (BEAT) At the very least,


CHANISE:                  (INTERRUPTS) I kept money on your books. I paid massive phone bills for your collect calls and I sent our son to college while you were down. At the very least?  You should be saying, I did the most. (BEAT) Lionel.  I need to see some progress. I mean, what you going to do after house arrest? 


FX:                                          LIONEL SWIPES A GLASS ONTO THE FLOOR. 


LIONEL:                     Damn, I just got out? Can a man get a moment to just chill? 


CHANISE:                  Chill?


LIONEL:                     You think I don’t know you held us down? 


CHANISE:                  Haven’t you been chilling for the last several years?


LIONEL:                     How many times do I have to tell you that?


FX:                                          CHANISE STANDS UP


CHANISE:                  Until I believe it. (BEAT) I’m going to bed. 


LIONEL:                     (Calms down) Don’t leave. 


CHANISE:                  I need my space. 


LIONEL:                     I don’t have to be anywhere that I’m not wanted. 


FX:                                          LIONEL GETS UP FROM THE TABLE AND WALKS OFF. CHANISE EXHALES.


CHANISE:                  (V.O.)  Finally, I said it. But why do I feel like a piece of shit? (BEAT) Should I stop him? 


FX:                                          THE FRONT DOOR SLAMS. 


CHANISE:                  Too late. 










FX:                                          BUSY HAIR SALON 


RECEPTION:            Vivan Sosoa Beauty Salon. Hold please. 


BRIANNA:                  (V.O.) I met Vivan Sosoa in hair school, she was the only one that would let me practice on her hair in class. One thing you should know about me is beauty is my business. Weaves? Wigs? Braids? Colour? I do it all. If I didn’t want to become a lawyer, I knew I had to figure it out. When I told my parents about my love for beauty, they brushed it off as another hobby of mine. But, it was real. I love how I make people feel better about themselves. (BEAT) Three goes Vivian. She looks upset. She’s the boss, but we’re also friends. So, I had to go check in on her. 


FX:                                          BRIANNA KNOCKS ON VIVAN’S OFFICE DOOR


VIVAN:                        Come in.


BRIANNA:                  Hey Viv.


VIVAN:                        Hi. What’s up?


BRIANNA:                  I just wanted to check on you. Are you okay? 


VIVAN:                        I see you’re minding my business, once again. 


BRIANNA:                  I hate when you say that. (beat) I just want you to know that I’m here if you need someone to talk to.


VIVAN:                        (Sighs) Shut the door. 


FX:                                          BRIANNA SHUTS HER DOOR. 


VIVAN:                        I’m selling the salon.


BRIANNA:                  Why?


VIVAN:                        Look around. They’re regentrifying everywhere. Soon, it won’t be worth the rent here.  I want to go in a new direction anyways. I’m thinking about launching a hair care line. 


BRIANNA:                  That’s great Viv. 


VIVAN:                        I need you to keep this a secret. I don’t want to upset anyone or disrupt anything. The new owners will expect to get a thriving business with everyone in place. 


BRIANNA:                  Viv, you know it never works out that way. 


VIVAN:                        You could go with me. Come on as my executive assistant.


BRIANNA:                  Your assistant? What you think about me buying the business? 


VIVAN:                        (Laughs) Bri, this is not your lane. 


BRIANNA:                  How much are you selling it for? 


VIVAN:                        1.5 million.


BRIANNA:                  (V.O.) Dam, there’s only one place I can get that kind of money. My parents. (BEAT) Who am I kidding?  Nope. Not happening.


BRIANNA :                 I’ll call my accountant and let you know. 


VIVAN:                        Okay, you do that. 








FX:                                          EARLY MORNING. BRIANNA IS MAKING BREAKFAST AND JAMIE ENTERS.


BRIANNA:                  Good morning. Did you sleep well? 


JAMIE:                        I slept good but you tossed and turned all night.


BRIANNA:                  I couldn’t sleep. 


FX:                                          JAMIE SITS DOWN


JAMIE:                        What’s going on? 


FX:                                          BRIANNA TAKES A SEAT


BRIANNA:                  The salon is being sold. 


JAMIE:                        To who?


BRIANNA:                  I have no idea. 


JAMIE:                        Are you nervous about losing your job?


BRIANNA:                  Not necessarily, but things will certainly change under new management. I was thinking about buying it. 


JAMIE:                        Why don’t you? 


BRIANNA:                  I don’t know. It’s a little out of my price range. 


JAMIE:                        My mom always says, ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way.’ 


FX:                                                      BRIANNA SIGHS 


JAMIE:                        You have no idea until you make the move. When I started working at the coffee shop. Who knew I would have met you ? 


BRIANNA:                  That’s what I love. Your optimism.


JAMIE:                        Did you say love? 


FX:                                                      BRIANNA HEART BEATING 


BRIANNA:                  (V.O.) Did I say love? I did say love. 


JAMIE:                        I love you too. 










FX:                                          DOGS BARKS. CHANISE DELIVERS THE MAIL. 


CHANISE:                  (V.O.) So, there’s this fly ass estate that I’ve been eyeing for weeks. It’s massive. I heard the last resident was the daughter of some big balling Middle Eastern man. I guess she finished school and daddy sent for her. 


FX:                                          MOVING TRUCKS


CHANISE:                  (V.O.) In recent weeks though, I’ve seen moving trucks coming in and out, people dropping off luxury cars and a pool cleaner even stopped by, but no bodies. 


FX:                                          OPENING AND CLOSING MAILBOXES


CHANSIE:                  (V.O.) Then one day the mail started flooding in with the name Mikal Johnson. Today, as soon as I approached his box I see him. Ba-bay, he’s tall, chocolate, wearing a Versace jogger set and his bling is shiny. (BEAT) The way he stands. (BEAT) I slowed down on his delivery, hoping he would holla. But just as I went to deliver the last piece of mail, a G Wagon barrels into the driveway.


FX:                                          G WAGON TRUCK PULLS INTO THE DRIVEWAY


CHANISE:                  (V.O.)  I’ll be damned, out jumps Snow White in her designer best, tits on fleek and weave down her back. As she walks in he greets her at the door. Then continues to walk right to me. Chanise Chill. Chill. 


MIKAL:                       Excuse me. What’s your name?


CHANISE:                  Chanise Adams.


MIKAL:                       I’m Mikal. Nice to meet you. I’ve been expecting a package today and I was wondering if you happened to see anything out here. 


CHANISE:                  No, just the regular mail. But If I see anything extra I will be sure to tell your wife. 


MIKAL:                       Oh, I’m not married. And you?


CHANISE:                  No.


FX:                                          MIKAL IS RELIEVED AND EXHALES.


MIKAL:                       Good, because I saw you the other day and was blinded by your beauty, so, I’m going to need your name and number for insurance purposes. 


FX:                                          CHANISE FLATTERED LAUGHS


CHANISE:                   (V.O.) Damn he’s corny. 


CHANISE:                  310-419-5555



                                                                        SCENE 24




FX:                                          HOPE WALKS TO THE LIVING ROOM AREA AND HEARS HER MOTHER SNIFFLING. 

HOPE:                        Mom? What’s wrong?


HOPE’S MOM:          It’s just my allergies. 


HOPE:                        You’ve been crying.


HOPE’S MOM:          I’m fine. 


HOPE:                        Did dad ever apologize?


HOPE’S MOM:          No!!! He didn’t. That man is so stubborn.


FX:                                          HOPE’S MOM BREAKS DOWN CRYING AND SOBBING.


HOPE:                        Awww, mom. I didn’t mean to upset you. 


HOPE’S MOM:          It’s not you. I miss him. But I don’t think he misses MEEEEE! (Wails) I’ve tried everything to make this relationship work. I even suggested separating, but he’s against it. 


HOPE:                        Have you thought about going to therapy? 


HOPE’S MOM:          Alone?


HOPE:                        Yeah. I mean, you could go and then see if Dad wants to join you later. 


HOPE’S MOM:          If I haven’t been able to get him to go the past 28 years, I certainly don’t think he’ll go now.


HOPE:                        (V.O.) After twenty-eight years, I guess you run out of things to talk about. My dad worked in real estate construction. Mom worked for the government. Now they are retired, both are home together all day. Apparently, it’s been revealing some heavy stuff. 


HOPE:                        Mom, I’ll go with you. 








FX:                                          BRIANNA ANSWERS THE FRONT DOOR


BRIANNA:                  Hey babe. 


FX:                                          THEY KISS


JAMIE:                        Nice lingerie.


BRIANNA:                  You’re brought a sleepover bag. Cute. You want to slip into something more comfortable?


JAMIE:                        My Xbox.


FX:                                          BRIANNA CLOSES THE FRONT DOOR


BRIANNA:                  You can plug your Xbox in over there. I’ll get us a few drinks. 




BRIANNA:                  So, how has work been?


FX:                                          JAMIE DOESN’T HEAR HER AND PLAYS HIS GAME. 


BRIANNA:                  Jamie?


JAMIE:                        Did you say something?


FX:                                          JAMIE PLAYS HIS GAME. 



BRIANNA:                  I asked about work.


JAMIE:                        It’s been good. There was a homeless guy serenading all the women that came in the coffee shop. Most of them seemed flattered.


BRIANNA:                  I’ve been thinking, and I want you to meet my girls next week. 


FX:                                          JAMIE ISN’T PAYING ATTENTION. 


BRIANNA:                  Jamie?


JAMIE:                        Babe, did you say something?


BRIANNA:                  I did. I want you to meet my girls.Nothing big, just a small meet up.


JAMIE:                        Make it happen and I’m there. (BEAT) I hate this level. 


BRIANNA:                  (V.O.) This is not what I pictured for the evening. I’m dressed in a negligee and heels and I’m basically talking to myself. Now that we’re spending more time together, I figured that we should make an effort to get to know each other better. I didn’t factor in video games. But, he looks SO damn sexy when he gets in a zone. 


BRIANNA:                  Hey Babe, throw me the other control. 


JAMIE:                        You want in on this?


BRIANNA:                  Heck yeah.


JAMIE:                        I’m going to eat you alive.  I mean that in more ways than one. 


BRIANNA:                  Winner chooses the first position. 


FX:                                          THEY BOTH PLAY THE VIDEO GAME.






FX:                                          CHANISE, HOPE AND BRIANNA LIFTING WEIGHTS


CHANISE:                  Whose idea was this? I hate weight training.


FX:                                          BREATHING HARD 


BRIANNA:                  Don’t look at me. 


HOPE:                        Weightlifting is one of the few exercises that continues to burn calories even when you’re done training. You’ll thank me later. Especially when you see this trainer, I hired to show us a few workouts. 


CHANISE:                  Sooo….. the workout you had a few nights ago, how was that? 


HOPE:                        (BRAGGING) Hit the spot. 


FX:                                          THE GIRLS LAUGH AND CLAP.


CHANISE:                  Well, I met someone. He’s just moved into the community that I work in. 


HOPE:                        Hell yes. 


CHANISE:                  The only thing is, some young girl rolled up to the house, while I was there. 


BRIANNA:                  OOOO, Definitely a bad sign.


CHANISE:                  He said he wasn’t married and I didn’t see no ring on his finger. 


HOPE:                        There’s tons of married men that don’t wear their rings. What’s up with Lionel?


CHANISE:                  Girl, that’s a wrap. 


BRIANNA:                  Well, ladies, I give you permission to live through me. 


FX:                              BRIANNA BRAGS. 


BRIANNA:                  I’m dating a younger man.


FX:                                          THE LADIES STOP WORKING OUT. 


HOPE:                        What! How young?


BRIANNA:                  18 years younger. 


CHANISE:                  26? Get the fuck out. 


HOPE:                        Keep going.


BRIANNA:                  I met him a couple months ago at the coffee shop over Playa Vista. He was making me a latte and we couldn’t stop checking each other out. So, he asked me if I wanted whipped cream and he took the can of whipped cream and sprayed it all over my latte. 


CHANISE:                  Bish…


HOPE:                        He’s a barista? 


BRIANNA:                  Wait, there’s more. (BRAGGING) When I got in my car I noticed he wrote his name and number on my drink. (BEAT) Young and bold. (BEAT) So, I called him. You know what he told me? He said I didn’t look a year over 29, and we’ve been together ever since. 


CHANISE:                  You’re officially a cougar. Girl, are you ready for that?


BRIANNA:                  If I wasn’t before, I sure am now. We’re going out later this week, I want you guys to meet him. 


CHANISE:                  He has to pass the tribe test.  Ain’t that right, Hope?


HOPE:                        Uhhh, huh. Ummmm. What’s his name?


BRIANNA:                  Jamie. (ECHO) He’s so cute. Check out these pics. 


FX:                                          BRIANNA SWIPES THROUGH HER PHONE 


BRIANNA:                  Here we are at the pool. This is us at the zoo. Oh, and we went to a silent disco. 


CHANISE:                   He is cute.


HOPE:                        (V.O.) I’m going to throw-up.  Jamie, the one-night stand I had is her secret lover? He told me he was thirty. This can’t be happening. It did happen. What am I going to do? I can’t tell her about this. She will never forgive me. 


FX:                                          HOPE PASSES OUT LIKE A THUD TO THE GROUND. 


BOTH:                        Oh My God! Hope! Hope!


CHANISE:                  She passed out. Water! 


FX:                                          PEOPLE RUSH ABOUT


CHANISE:                  Hope! Hope! Can you hear us?




                                                                        SCENE 23




FX:                              PHONE RINGS


JAMIE:                        (VOICEMAIL) It’s Jamie. Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you. 


HOPE:                        (STERN) Hey Jamie it’s me, Hope. I’ve called you a few times and haven’t heard back. Give me a call. 


FX:                              PHONE HANGS UP

