Forties AF

About That Life

Episode Summary

Hope stumbles across a great story that she can't wait to take back to work. Brianna falls and injures herself on Jamie’s birthday, leaving Jamie to go at it alone. Chanise visits her mom.

Episode Notes

SEASON 1: EPISODE 6 (About That Life)

Hope stumbles across a great story that she can't wait to take back to work. Brianna falls and injures herself on Jamie’s birthday, leaving Jamie to go at it alone. Chanise visits her mom. 


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Episode Transcription


Episode Six:  “ABOUT THAT LIFE”






FX:                                          HOPE IS TYPING.


HOPE: (V.O.) Since my vow of celibacy, I’ve thrown myself into my work. Tuesday mornings at Alter Ego magazine will give anyone a headache. Alter Ego is a gossip entertainment magazine. We gather around the table and brainstorm the upcoming week’s story leads. The news director Claudia, is based in New York, so we hardly ever see her. Santana is an entertainment reporter like me. She’s our go-to-girl for any fitness craze. OMG! Sometimes I just want to sneak a scoop of protein in her drink. One thing I have gotten used to, is talking Santana off the ledge on most pitch days. 


FX:                                          CLAUDIA THE DIRECTOR COMES OVER A LOUD SPEAKER


CLAUDIA:                  Let’s gather in the conference room everyone. 




HOPE:                        Santana, don’t. 


SANTANA:                I have tried to come up with some new items, but, no one’s getting pregnant right now, no overdosing, engagements....NOTHING. 


HOPE:                        It’s okay. Ummm, I’m sure a lot of us will have the same ideas.


SANTANA:                I did hear that someone said that Big Bird is really gay. 


HOPE:                        That’s already out there. 


FX:                                          SANTANA WHINES. HOPE IS SILENT


HOPE:                        Get it together.










FX:                                          DIALS OUT ON THE PHONE


CLAUDIA:                  You may begin. 


SANTANA:                It’s Santana, I’m really interested in knowing where Sidney Dears has been and what she’s up to.


CLAUDIA:                  Let’s take a look. Someone lower the projector.


FX:                                          A PROJECTOR IS LOWERED



CLAUDIA:                   Where is the last place a pop princess would be? Well, there she is with her family at Disneyland. Looks like they closed the park down so she could enjoy it in private.


HOPE:                        Is that a belly bump?


FX:                                          HEAR ANOTHER SLIDE GOES PAST


CALUDIA:                  Hope that’s just a coffee bump. She was last seen at Starbucks. She bought a Frappuccino. Oh, lookie here she stopped at Walgreens.



HOPE:                        I know that Walgreens. I have a source there. 


PENNY:                      Penny here. I happen to know for a fact she only drinks non fat Chai Latte. (beat) My sister works at the Starbucks she goes to.



HOPE:                        (V.O.) Penny is a senior reporter and all those stripes have definitely gone to her head. 


CLAUDIA:                  Moving on. Penny call your Disneyland source and find out what they did. Maybe she had a melt down on one of the rides. Oh and ask your sister about her Starbucks visit. 


PENNY:                      Will do. 


CLAUDIA:                  Go ahead. 


HOPE:                        It’s Hope. I was told that the trap rapper Roundhouse has been giving back to the community. He’s partnering with other entertainers to buy up the block. 


PENNY:                      The one he shot up? 


FX:                                                      EVERYONE LAUGHS.



HOPE:                        I could get a list of celebrities that’s working with him. 


CLAUDIA:                  It’s Sidney watch this week We need to know what she is doing at all times. Penny, family outreach for you. Santana more Friends. 


HOPE:                        I can stop by her house. 


CLAUDIA:                  Hope stop by her house. Please make sure you talk to the security guards, talk to the neighbours, anyone willing to talk. We think she will have another break down soon and we want to break it!








FX:                                          A COOKING BUZZER GOES OFF.


BRIANNA:                  (V.O.) So, I did it!  He’s sleeping like a baby. I took off today for Jamie’s 27th birthday. Damn. Twenty-seven sounds so scandalous. So, I’m going to surprise him with a birthday cake and I added let him know that I added him to my credit cards. I want him to feel in charge when we go out, there’s no harm in that. 


FX:                                          BRIANNA TAKES THE CAKE OUT OF THE OVEN


BRIANNA:                  (V.O.) I’ll let this cool some. Get the frosting. Oh, candles. 


FX:                                                      BRIANNA LOOKING THROUGH CUPBOARDS.


BRIANNA:                  Hmmm. I need a chair.


FX:                                                      BRIANNA PULLS A CHAIR OVER AND GOES TO STAND ON IT.


BRIANNA:                  Got. Got. Gotchaaaaa. 


FX:                                                      THE BOX SPILLS. BRIANNA FALLS.


BRIANNA:                  Owwww. Owww. My sciatic nerve. Oooooo. Awwwww. Awww. JAMIEEEEEEE!


FX:                                                      JAMIE RUNS IN AND LAUGHS.


JAMIE:                        Are you okay? 


FX:                                                      JAMIE LAUGHS


JAMIE:                        What are you doing down there. Come on. Let me help you up. 


BRIANNA:                  Jamie, I don’t want you to hurt yourself. 


FX:                                                      JAMIE GROANS AND STRUGGLES, BUT, PICKS HER UP


JAMIE:                        Come on now. 


BRIANNA:                  I’m so sorry. 


JAMIE:                        What are you saying? Grab the cake and the frosting too. (BEAT) You can make it up to me. 




BRIANNA:                  Owwww! Owww! Put me down. 


FX:                                          JAMIE DROPS HER ON THE BED.


BRIANNA:                  I hate to say it. Babe, I’m going to need a rain check. 




                                                            SCENE 49



FX:                                          SIDE OF THE ROAD. HOPE WALKS UP


HOPE:                        (V.O.) The pitch meeting didn’t go well today. When I’m on the hook for a story, I know exactly who to see. The paparazzi. I know what you think, but, the paps are the ears and eyes of the street. Especially, when it comes to celebrity business. They know where celebrities eat, sleep, play, you name it. People like attention, they just want to control how much they receive. 


FX:                              HOPE KNOCKS ON A WINDOW AND IT ROLLS DOWN.


HOPE:                        Hey Pablo what’s going on? 


PABLO:                      Get in before you blow my cover. I’ve been here all day.


FX:                              HOPE CLIMBS IN THE CAR. 


HOPE:                        I bought you a Red Bull.


PABLO:                      Where have you been? 


HOPE:                        Looking for a story. 


PABLO:                      How’s your love life? 


HOPE:                        Non-existent. 


PABLO:                      I told you, you need to get with me. I will make so much love to you. 


FX:                                          OPENS THE RED BULL


HOPE:                        How’s business?


PABLO:                      Man Hope. Everybody thinks if they have a phone they can be a fucking paparazzi. (BEAT) The money isn’t what it used to be. In the past, we could be so discreet and that made the shots so much better. 


HOPE:                        Well, who are you sitting on? 


PABLO:                      Grab those binoculars and take a look. 


HOPE:                        (GASP) That’s Yvonne Bolts photo, she’s from the reality show Stunt Queens. (GASP) They’re getting married?


PABLO:                      At the courthouse right now. 


HOPE:                        (V.O.) Yvonne Bolts joined Stunt Queens last year. She has stunted for all of the top actresses. She’s the highest paid in Hollywood. She fell for the pool guy and it’s been a whirlwind love affair from there, but, that’s all everyone thought it would lead to, not marriage. 


HOPE:                        So, this is the location for the reception? 


PABLO:                      Don’t tell nobody shit. 


HOPE:                        I won’t, but, I want in. 


PABLO:                      There’s still some help arriving. 


HOPE:                        I’ll get inside and take some snaps. Table settings, menu, or their first dance. That should be worth something. I have the perfect white button down in my car.


FX:                              HOPE EXITS. 













CHANISE:                  (V.O.)  It’s been a few weeks since Mikal went away for work. Things have been great between us too. Almost too great. I tried to start an argument the other night, but he wasn’t having it. So, I figured I had better find a way to occupy myself before I mess everything up. Every since my conversation with Mikal, I couldn’t stop thinking about my mom. She’s been in and out of the crazy house for the last few years, she calls it vacation. 







FX:                                          HOPE HURRIES OVER WALKING. 


HOPE:                        Excuse me. Excuse me. 


FX:                                          HELP GASP.


HOPE:                        I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I was wondering if I was at the right place. Which company sent you?


HELP:                         I’m with Keokia’s Kitchen. They’re doing the catering for the event tonight?


HOPE:                        It’s a wedding reception, right?


HELP:                         I don’t know. They didn’t tell us. I have to hurry, so, I can change.  I’ll see you inside.


HOPE:                        I’ll changed in my car. I’ll walk in with you. 










BRIANNA:                  Jamie, Jamieeee, baby.  Can you please bring me back the ice pack when you come back. 


JAMIE:                        I’m back. 


BRIANNA:                  Oh, that feels better.  (BEAT) You look nice. Are you going somewhere?


JAMIE:                        I’m going out with my friends. 


BRIANNA:                  What about our plans? 


JAMIE:                        You can’t go anywhere tonight. 


BRIANNA:                  I know. So, I moved our reservations to tomorrow. 


JAMIE:                        That’s cool ,but, I’m going out tonight. 


BRIANNA:                  (CHANGE OF HEART) You’re right, it’s your birthday. Go have some fun. 


FX:                                          THEY KISS.


JAMIE:                        I’ll be back before you know it. 








FX:                                                      LOUD CLANGING SOUND 


ORDERLY:                 Follow me please. 


CHANISE:                  (V.O.) Every time I come here it takes me back to my twelve year old self. Walking down this long dark sterile hallways that echoes with pain and despair in the air has always gave me chills. I was six years old when the attentive, sweet mother that I knew became erratic and out of her mind. I didn’t know what to do during her episodes, sometimes I would hide in the closet or under the bed. One time she took a knife to my neck while she was giving me a bath and that was the last time I would live with her. She would always tell me that we would be together some day. She would buy us a house and I would have my own room. That day never came. 


FX:                                                      LOUD CLANGING SOUND 








FX:                                          MINGLING AND MUSIC AND LAUGHTER


HOPE:                        (V.O.) I struck gold tonight.  I couldn’t wait to write my notes up later. I made it inside and watched the vows. It’s everything I hoped it would be. Sean Penn was the man best man. Seal sang Kiss from a Rose, that’s my song. CeeLo gave the toast in his slippers. 


GUEST:                      Excuse Me. Are you working tonight?


HOPE:                        Oh yes. White or Red. 


GUEST:                      Red.


HOPE:                        Here try this. Chardonnay 412. 


So, are you friends with the lucky bride or groom?


GUEST:                      The bride.


HOPE:                        It was a beautiful wedding. 


GUEST:                      Well, I’m surprised they made it down the aisle?


HOPE:                        Really?(BEAT) Your glass is getting low. Here, let me top that off. 










BRIANNA:                  Thanks for stopping by and checking on me. This pain is killing me. 


CHANISE:                  I know the feeling. I’m still in therapy from that shoulder injury at work. Still have a pending lawsuit too. I wish they would settle already. 


BRIANNA:                  Jamie and I were suppose to go out for his birthday last night, but, I was out of it and he was out of here. 


HOPE:                        He left you home alone?


BRIANNA:                  Yeah. (BEAT) And he didn’t come back either. That’s a first.


CHANISE:                  You only turn 27 once.


HOPE:                        He should have stayed by your side. I mean, that is something a guy should do. Just let that one go. Bri,the writing is on the wall.


CHANISE:                  Now, we can all remember 27. 


HOPE:                        When we would go out, it was different than today. Now everything is about who’s hosting what party. People seem connected, but, we’re disconnected than ever. (BEAT) What about that time we went to that party at the Tower!


BRIANNA:                  That was the spot. All the who’s who were there. 


CHANISE:                  It’ was the hottest party in the city that night. Ya’ll remember how we got in. 


BRIANNA:                  Oh yeah, you went to Kinkos and made color copies of the invites. 


CHANISE:                  We walked right on in. 


FX:                                                      WALKING INTO CLUB


HOPE:                        Walking through the place like. Bam. Bam. Bam. 


CHANISE:                  That night was so much fun. 


FX:                                                      CHEERING SOUNDS. BRIANNA, CHANISE AND HOPE LAUGH


CHANISE:                  Sometimes I miss those days. But, then I think of all the stupid shit I did and not so much. 


BRIANNA:                  Jamie usually keeps his word. 



FX:                                                      HOPE SIGHS.



BRIANNA:                  You guys think I don’t understand the possible repercussions here? The age does change things. I try to control how I react to keep us on balance. 


HOPE:                        Maybe, just give him some space.


CHANISE:                  I went to see my mom yesterday. 


BRIANNA:                  Are you okay? 


CHANISE:                  I think so. She kept asking to come with me. I’ve never seen her that vulnerable. I felt horrible leaving her there. 


HOPE:                        Yeah. I can only imagine. 


CHANISE:                  I can’t help wonder if she was in a different atmosphere, if that could change anything. I mean, Legend is gone now. I have plenty of space.


HOPE:                        That’s a huge responsibility Chanise. 


CHANISE:                  I know but, today is different. It was like a cry for help. She’s never asked me for help before.